– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

Melodeon concerts with Amalie Kinsarvik Tvilde

ons10jul(jul 10)18:00ons17(jul 17)18:00Melodeon concerts with Amalie Kinsarvik TvildeConcerts i July18:00 - 18:00 (17)(GMT+00:00)

Amalie Kinsarvik Tvilde, ute i skogen med toradar.

Om arr.

Melodeon concerts

Amalie Kinsarvik Tvilde from Kinsarvik plays the two rows button box melodeon. She gives two conserts at Skredhaugen this summer, Wednesdays July 10. and 17. at 6 pm.

She is both a solo performer, dancer, and educator. Amalie is an important interpreter of the traditional material from Hardanger and Voss and has immersed herself in the hardanger fiddle tradition from these regions. She has also worked extensively with the fiddle traditions from Nordland, Finnskogen, and Røros. Her repertoire ranges from dance music, rural tunes, old-style dance tunes, to lyrical compositions.

Amalie also performs at Agatunet and Hardanger folkemuseum during July.

Photo: Siv Dolmen

The concerts are organized by Hardingfela.no 


10 (Onsdag) 18:00 - 17 (Onsdag) 18:00(GMT+00:00)